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eLearning increases knowledge retention

eLearning can increase retention rates by 25% to 60%

Did you know that eLearning can improve retention rates? Research has shown that eLearning can increase information retention rates by 25% to 60% compared to traditional classroom-based learning. This is due to several factors, eLearning:

  • often incorporates multimedia elements such as videos, interactive quizzes, and simulations, which can engage learners and enhance their understanding and retention the material.
  • allows for self-paced learning, enabling individuals to review and revisit the content as needed, which reinforces their knowledge.
  • can provide personalised learning experiences, tailoring the content to the individual's needs and preferences, further enhancing their engagement and retention.
  • can be bite-sized therefore allowing learners to complete a module or two over a cup of tea or coffee.

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Let’s have a look in more depth on bite size learning, which is something myAko implemented over 3 years ago. See below some benefits of this approach:

  • Improved Engagement: Bite-sized content captures learners' attention and keeps them engaged. By breaking down complex topics into smaller, focused modules, learners can better absorb the information without feeling overwhelmed. Short, concise lessons are more appealing and less daunting, increasing learners' willingness to participate and complete the learning material.
  • Enhanced Retention: Bite-sized eLearning promotes better retention of information. By presenting information in smaller chunks, learners can process and retain knowledge more effectively. The brain's cognitive load is reduced, allowing learners to focus on specific concepts or skills at a time. Frequent exposure to bite-sized content reinforces learning and improves long-term memory retention.
  • Flexibility and Time Efficiency: Microlearning provides flexibility in terms of time and accessibility. Learners can engage with short modules at their convenience, fitting them into their busy schedules. Whether it's during a coffee break, a commute, or a spare moment, learners can access and complete microlearning activities. This flexibility promotes consistent learning habits and helps overcome time constraints.
  • Mobile-Friendly and On-Demand Learning: Bite-sized eLearning aligns well with the increasing use of mobile devices for learning. Short modules are easily consumed on mobile screens, enabling learners to access learning content anytime, anywhere. On-demand learning through mobile devices ensures immediate access to information, supporting just-in-time learning needs.
  • Reinforcement and Application of Knowledge: Frequent exposure to small modules allows for regular reinforcement and application of knowledge. Bite-sized content can include quizzes, interactive exercises, and simulations, which provide opportunities for learners to apply what they have learned immediately. This active engagement enhances comprehension and skill development.


Whilst I would argue there is always a place for face-to-face training, especially when delivering practical skills where you need an expert trainer to help demonstrate techniques and assess learners adoption of the new technique(s). Blended learning and eLearning delivered as bite-sized or micro-bites, offers an engaging, flexible, and efficient learning experience.

It promotes better retention, supports on-demand learning, and enables learners to focus on specific learning objectives. By breaking down information into smaller units, eLearning designers can create more effective and impactful learning experiences. Our experience at myAko is that learners prefer this approach, to learn new skills but refresh existing knowledge.

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