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Document Library

myAko's Document Library allows you to publish and manage PDFs, documents, and video content. You can set access rules, monitor document readership, and organise content.

myAko's Document Library is designed to offer a flexible and secure way to publish and manage various types of content, including PDFs, documents, and videos. This feature allows you to set custom access rules, ensuring that only authorised users can view specific documents. You can also monitor document readership, tracking who has read each document and when, which is particularly useful for compliance and engagement purposes.

The Document Library is fully self-manageable, giving you control over your content and its organisation. You can create unlimited folders, allowing for a well-structured and easily navigable library. This flexibility ensures that your organisation can tailor the library to meet its unique needs, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your document management processes.

Document Library FAQs

Can I control who has access to specific documents?

Yes, you can set custom access rules for each document.

Can I set access rules for video content as well?

Yes, access rules can be set for all types of content, including videos.

Can I track who reads the documents?

Yes, the Document Library allows you to monitor who has read each document and when.

How do I monitor document readership?

The system provides tracking features that show who have read each document and the time they accessed it.

How many folders can I create in the Document Library?

You can create and organise content in as many folders as you need.

Is it possible to manage the Document Library myself?

Yes, you can fully manage the Document Library and its features yourself.

What types of content can be published in the Document Library?

You can publish PDFs, documents, and video content in the Document Library.

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