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eLearning For You | myAko Online Learning

Technology is revolutionising the way that eLearning is consumed. The industry is fast becoming more engaging, interactive and powerful. With many options on offer it’s now more important than ever to find the right e Learning for you that fits seamlessly into your organisation.

You can now switch your provider in a matter of minutes with an easy set up. If you feel that you don’t get everything you need from your current platform, read on as we have a solution for you later in this article.

What is e Learning?

E learning is a great way to consume rich educational content online. Learners can gain qualifications, new skills and upskill existing ones. Many different delivery methods can make up an e Learning program including video, workbooks, live classes, audio, quizzes and games.

Due to learning being consumed 40%-60% quicker than in class training, the digital elearning industry is fast expanding. Organisations use this effective training method to deliver concise and engaging training to their employees anywhere in the world.

E learning now accounts for 56% of all learning globally rising year on year. It doesn’t seek to outright replace conventional learning but more complement and enhance it. Blended learning is a great tool to use within your organisation to make sure all learning styles are covered.

Normally administered through a LMS (learning management system) which boasts automation tools with easy delegation. The systems also allow for events management, data tracking, blended learning and much more.

Let’s have a look at some of the most consumed e learning subjects:

  • Management 
  • Finance 
  • Sales 
  • Customer Service
  • Mental Health
  • Health and Safety 
  • Social Media
  • Compliance
  • Problem solving
  • Technical skills
  • Soft skills
  • Wellbeing and fitness

Different methods of e learning

As we touched on earlier, e learning can be conveyed through different mediums to appeal to a range of learning styles. Let’s jump into the available options below:

Digital Courses

The most popular form of learning programme consumption can encompass audio, slides, video, quizzes. Courses can be broken down into training modules that you take over a period of time to make them more digestible.

Video content 

Courses can range in length from a few minutes to an hour long. Videos are interactive, engaging and can include knowledge tests to help validate and reinforce the learning. Bitesize videos are fast growing in popularity, the few minute videos can be consumed quickly from when your team need to refresh or increase their knowledge.

Virtual Classrooms

Appealing more to synchronous learning style (learn more here) learning is consumed live. Led by a teacher, training is conducted with integrated software on LMS platforms or via zoom, google or teams.

Knowledge Tests

One way you can gauge if a user has digested the information is by having knowledge tests at the end of content. They can be interactive and help the user test their retention of the courses conveyed knowledge. The quiz or test can include a pass mark, which has to be obtained before the learner can complete the course.

​​E books

65% of learners prefer to learn through visual means and E books fall into this category. Digitalised books can be stored locally on LMS systems and accessed at any time.


The rapidly growing audio medium can be consumed on a walk, commute or when exercising. Ultimately increasing the accessibility of content to the user. Content is in longer form, for 30 minutes or more.


Can be conducted, pre recorded or live normally the speaker will show slides or other media as part of their presentation. The virtual audience can answer questions typically towards the end.

Alternatively this can include breakout rooms where different subjects discussed in the webinar, can be debated in more depth. Often using a virtual facilitator to keep the discussion on track and meaningful.


The new frontier from the E learning industry to increase engagement is gamification.

Turning learning content into a playable game can be extremely powerful with more than 80% of learners saying they would be more productive if gaming was involved in their learning.

Gamification can be great in driving competition between teams and/or individuals who wish to get top score a league. Utilising a gamified approach, you can see up to 140% increased in engagement.

Advantages of e Learning 

The advantages are pretty impressive, lets have a look at 7 of them:

Saving time and money

Organisations save on average 70% on costs with e Learning versus in class training. On top of that with 40%-60% less time taken to complete courses, you have a winning combination.

You cut out travel costs, teacher fees and everything else associated with in class learning, or at least minimise it for hybrid learning (learning online and in class). Getting rid of paper workbooks also helps you reduce your carbon footprint.

Consistent Learning

Within a classroom setting knowledge can be interpreted and consumed differently depending on peoples learning styles. With E learning you eliminate that, you can adapt the content to suit peoples learning style but still convey the same consistent message.

Better Retention

Today we spend a large portion of our time online. Through learning online retention of knowledge is normally higher due to delivery being more interactive and enjoyable. Bitesize learning is a must with people liking to induce and re-visit to learning in small chunks, when they want.

Scalability and Accessibility

E learning knows no bounds, within LMS solutions you can deliver content to as large or small an audience as you want. Online training is easy to access from anywhere via your mobile device, desktop or laptop. Some platforms even offer courses in different languages.

Tracking Capabilities

You have to know if your learning content is working. That’s where tracking comes in. Within LMS systems you can track a vast amount of data including user completions, time spent, pass rates and much more.

This is a necessity for compliance based training where completion is mandatory for audit or accreditation purposes.

Easy onboarding

When a new employee joins your organisation you need to make sure they have the proper training. You can create new recruit packages so everyone who joins receives the same, consistent joining and learning experience. This can be tailored to different roles, experience or teams, with the added benefit of being easy and quick to update, based on your organisation or process changes.

Up to date content

Most E learning or LMS providers will update their online courses frequently to be in line with new guidelines, legislation or best practice techniques. Meaning you get current learning that is relevant to your workforce.

Disadvantages of e Learning

Long term contracts

Some e Learning providers insist on organisations signing long term and expensive contracts. This can include costs for features that you don’t use. With the rise of SaaS platforms, this gives you the opportunity to negotiate a more cost effective solution, where for example you only pay for what you use.


Organisations can encounter problems with staff not being motivated or engaged to complete training. This is often because staff have not been consulted on the shift to digital learning. Also the learning is either not easy to find or it's difficult to understand what you need to complete, by when.

There could be issues with the structure of the learning content, which is why it's important to regularly seek and review staff feedback on their learning experience. This allows you to adapt the learning to meet the majority of your team's needs.

The right learning

As we have mentioned, people learn differently. Getting the right training course for everyone on a first try is going to be difficult but after analysing the data you can make changes where appropriate.

The right e learning for you 

Finding the right e Learning for you can be hard, but we’ve made it easy.

myAko is an intuitive, customisable, easy to use and powerful learning management system that you can quickly adapt and launch across your entire organisation. It's easy to migrate from another LMS provider or set up from scratch. The myAko team will help you achieve a successful launch. After that, you’re set to deliver powerful learning to your employees.

Using their new state of the art mobile app you can learn from anywhere. Knowing that attention rates are dropping means a focus on bitesize content. Over 2,000 courses are available on platform with a wealth of bitesize interactive content in different mediums.

The SaaS cloud based platform is cost effective with a number of flexible payment options and pay as you go structures, to best meet your organisation need. Fitting into small to large size businesses with ease.

Extensive real time tracking capabilities mean you know who has completed (or has not completed) what courses and when. Giving you real time control of your entire organisations learning. Ultimately giving your managers, supervisors and learners the ability to really make the solution their own.

The solution also comes with extensive customisable branding options.

Get in touch with one of our friendly team here to get hands on with myAko.

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