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Autonomous Learning Platform | myAko

Organisations and learning institutions are the forerunners for  new ways to advance learning experiences and increase knowledge retention and consumption. Utilising autonomous learning provides precisely that for students and employees.

Whilst the concept of autonomous learning has been around for decades, its credibility and necessity are becoming increasingly evident. Giving learners the ability to take charge of their knowledge consumption quest.

In this article, an in depth study is conducted to reveal what autonomous learning is, its benefits, the advantages of technology, and how it can be fostered. The findings are addressed below:

What Is Learner Autonomy and How Can It Be Fostered 

First coined by Henri Holec in 1981, Autonomous learning is the ability to take control of your learning. Encouraging people to take their own initiative to consume knowledge. Foreign language learners and teachers were the first to truly grasp the practice due to the subjects intensive need for constant learning.

Now widely used across all learning subjects and higher education, teachers encourage students to aid their in-class learning with proactive research and knowledge consumption. Learner Autonomy enables students to advance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Ultimately making learning more effective.

How exactly can learner autonomy be fostered? Techniques that have been proven successful are outlined below:

Distance Learning

When distance learning is implemented, the learning administrator acts as the facilitator and not a personal instructor. This is beneficial as it encourages independence and proactiveness.

Learner Independence

Get users to embrace research and find out answers themselves. This stops learners from constantly asking learning administrators for information, which is seen as an easy solution. Establishing independence is an essential part of autonomous learning.

Learning Styles

Tailoring learning towards relevant learning styles can increase engagement, enjoyment and productivity. By showcasing the different ways learning can be digested you are allowing people to select the learning activities that resonate with them. Consequently, users become self-aware and take ownership of how they learn.

Peer-to-peer Learning

Learning from peers is proven to be as, or if not more effective than conventional teacher-student training. Knowledge conveyed by someone who has been a learner themselves makes the subject more relatable and easier to consume. Aiding both the student and the peer who is recalling the knowledge. Therefore, Peer-to-peer learning can serve as a great introduction to learning autonomy.

Benefits of Autonomous Learning

The benefits of autonomous learning are vast and long-lasting. The top 4 advantages are summarised below:

Ready for the Future

Autonomous learners have the platform to excel in their future careers. This is because teachers are not always going to be on hand to help. Establishing learning independence is pivotal.

Having the ability to learn proactively means knowledge consumption doesn’t stop when the bell rings. Autonomous learning traits are commonly searched for by organisations who actively seek employees who can be independent and proactive.

Better Knowledge Retention

When learners seek answers themselves, their learning is far more impactful than purely being taught or told . Setting student led autonomous learning tasks is a common tactic used in coaching. The autonomous learning methodology leads people toward finding the solutions, thus creating a proactive and equipped lifelong learner.

In summary, with today’s fast pace and attention spans dropping, knowledge is quickly consumed and forgotten. When learners put in the work to find their own knowledge, this creates a more rewarding, lasting and retention increasing learning experience and satisfaction.

Knowledge Consumption Increase

With autonomous learning, students or employees are encouraged to consume information outside of their traditional rigid learning framework. This leads to more knowledge being induced and an increase in learning skills as learners are able to select the learning path suitable for their learning style.

Problem Solving

By pushing the onus onto the user to find the answer, their problem-solving skills are being developed. Autonomous learning encourages them not to look for the easy way out and builds a more robust, forward-thinking learner.

Creating Self Regulated Learners Through Technology 

Learning autonomy encourages students to take responsibility for their education. Whilst this can be a powerful in-class tool, utilising advancements in technology can be even more useful in the learning autonomy sphere . How technology can assist to cultivate learning autonomy is explored below:

Constant access to Knowledge

Through Learning Management Systems, users can self administer knowledge-dense learning content from anywhere at any time. It encourages them to use their own initiative and independence by giving them the ability to learn in their comfortable learning environment.

The treasure trove of knowledge available on learning platforms means users don’t only consume one specific subject but often delve into others. Ultimately, being driven by a want to learn. The Concise format of online learning leads people to consume more information faster and independently.

Learning Styles Covered

To harbor autonomous learning, all learning styles should be catered to. Learning Management Systems platforms provide content in forms that lean toward auditory, visual and tactic learners. Moreover, customisable pathways mean that once defined, users engage with content that relates to them and their learning style.

Distances the Learner

With LMS solutions, users are distanced from the teacher. Forcing students to be more autonomous in their consumption. Taking online courses in interactive formats provides learners  with the knowledge pathway they need whilst still remaining independent.


The reputable myAko online learning system facilitates and enhances autonomous learning. The intuitive and engaging platform creates an environment that aids and promotes learning independence.

Granting access to over 2000+ interactive courses in different learning styles. Learning can be consumed anywhere with the modern myAko app and customisable learning pathways make sure that users see content relevant to them.

myAko enables a range of autonomous learning functions such as; peer to peer learning, review tests, learning games and customizable units to name a few . Most significantly, learning administrators can harbour real-time data to further tailor learning pathways for students and employees.

Want to learn more about myAko? Get in touch with one of our team here today to get hands on with the powerful system.

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