Access 2,000+ Courses With Our Feature-Rich LMS. It’s Simple, Powerful, Intuitive - And Perfect for SMEs.
✅ Dynamic Integrated Features
✅ Simple Set Up and Intuitive User Experience
✅ Customisable and Scalable
"The response time for myAko customer support is second to none! They make us feel like colleagues rather than clients 😍!"
Clear Pricing, We Deliver Exactly What We Promise, With No Hidden Costs.
See how your organisation, team, or individual are performing in just a few clicks.
Flexible bite-sized learning is perfect for people with busy lives.
Our new mobile app allows your team to stay compliant on the go!
Organise and manage online meetings or face-to-face training with ease with our events management tool.
We pride ourselves on our highly rated customer support. No long wait times, speak to one of the team in seconds!
Allocate by site, role, or individual. Build your organisation visually with our hierarchy builder.
AI Avatars, Knowledge Assessments, and Tools for All Learners – Including Google Translate and Dyslexia Support
One of the team is ready to show you how everything works and answer any questions you might have!
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Effortless Onboarding – Quick and Simple Setup, So You Can Focus on What Matters"
Start by using our user-friendly Excel template to import your HR data. The myAko solution will automatically create your organisation hierarchy, saving you time and effort.
Ensure your learners don’t have to redo recently completed training by importing their previous records. All imported records are consolidated into one report, saving valuable time and preventing learner frustration.
Decide which sites, roles, or individuals need to complete specific training and how often. Customise the rules for your entire organisation, with flexibility for different sites or roles. Once set up, any new starters will automatically be assigned courses based on your rules.
Find out more about what we are doing to push the boundaries, and improve the way we learn.
Do you have a question we've not answered? Feel free to search below. If you can't find what you are looking for then simply drop us a line.
Yes, you can set custom access profiles to determine who can view specific reports.
Yes, you can set custom access rules for each document.
Yes, there is a comprehensive list of reports.
Yes, learners who attend and pass events receive digital certificates, and their compliance reports are updated.
Yes, you can include the course name, location (address or virtual link), joining instructions, and attendance numbers.
No, learners' passwords are encrypted at rest, ensuring privacy. Passwords can still be changed if necessary.
Yes, you can change the rules at any time, but frequent changes may affect your real-time reporting.
Yes, our telephone support is available during working hours for immediate assistance.