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Enterprise E Learning Platform

If your motivation is to develop and scale a successful enterprise, you will need to have well-trained employees that can complete their work safely and effectively. Without sufficient training programs, enterprises can experience low performance, low morale and high staff turnover.

Studies have found that 76% of employees say that a company would be more appealing if it offered additional skills training to its staff. That’s where enterprise E Learning platforms come in. They provide powerful, engaging and information-rich training solutions to enterprises in any industry.

Not all e learning platforms function in the same way. So in this article we are going to cover off on all things enterprise e learning to help give you the best choice at successful adoption.

What is enterprise e-learning?

An enterprise is classed as a for-profit organisation that employs over 10,000 staff. They look to create and invest in new business to further expand their vision.

Managing employees learning in an organisation this size sounds like a very daunting task. So how exactly do they deliver employee training effectively and without taking thousands of hours to manage?

The answer is through E Learning via online learning platforms. This gives employees online training at their time of need through desktops or mobile phones and in varying delivery forms.

Using new learning technologies developed by LMS companies, organisations can deliver online training management faster and more effectively. Built-in features mean they can allocate bulk training, delegate to an individual team or set training just for one person.

Likewise, you can schedule the learning allocation to employees for repeat and annual training (like health safety), meaning that enterprises can be prepared ahead of time.

Making the enterprise learning system accessible to all, anywhere, is a way to manage learning effectively. Mobile functionality is a must. Even if an employee is on a train on their way to a meeting, or in the comfort of their own home they can consume the knowledge they need.

People induce information in different ways and at various pace’s. Enterprises release learning content in various forms, allowing users to choose which works best for them. As a result, employees retain information more effectively.

Online training courses are delivered through webinars, bitesize content, long-form videos, interactive workbooks, just to name a few. Covering a range of topics from compliance training to customer services courses.

Enterprise LMS (Learning management systems) enable organisations to send push notifications of when training has been scheduled, and send reminder emails to staff who haven’t completed their allocated training.

You can also use these learning platforms to share news about your company and keep them up to date on any training or work-related events that might be happening. 

What are the two types of e-learning? 

Mandatory training is only effective when students are engaged enough to retain information. To achieve this, its important to understand the two major forms of E Learning. These combined together can ensure an enhanced learning experience of powerful and captivated learning, as illustrated in this Educause article.

Asynchronous E Learning

The term Asynchronous means information being conveyed not at the time of it’s initial creation but instead being consumed later. This can make learning more flexible for the user, not being bound to time constraints of doing a specific course or enterprise training at a given time. It is part of the reason people enjoy undertaking online training because it can be consumed whilst working around other aspects of their day to day lives. They can access a training program at any time but also log in to download any form of workbooks and files for consumption. When employees are posting on message boards or forums built into the solutions, they also generally put more care, thought and time into their contributions instead of the live sense of giving information.

Synchronous E Learning

This term refers to the intake of information and learning in real-time and live. This entails typically training through live webinars, video conferencing, and built-in chatrooms in the online learning realm. More emulating a conventional classroom training program, the employee interacts with the teacher and colleagues creating more of a social environment. Ultimately they feel more part of a team and less isolated than they can feel in Asynchronous E Learning. They also can ask questions and get them answered there and then instead of waiting.

How can e learning benefit your enterprise. 

With 77% of companies now adopting a form of online training, just exactly how can it help your enterprise, let's look at some of the many ways below:


It's easy to assume such a comprehensive enterprise e learning platform would come with an expensive price tag. In contrast, you may be pleasantly surprised at how economical these solutions can be. With SaaS LMS solutions, costs are incredibly competitive, with no hefty upfront fees, no charges for upgrades and branding and all the running and maintenance being covered by the LMS provider themselves. No more will you have to hire expensive trainers, learning material or pay for employees to travel to an event. These costs alone amount to a very large saving, especially for enterprises that have a substantial number of employees in the UK and overseas.

Saving the employees time is another important factor, on average E learning takes 40% to 60% less time than traditional training methods allowing your employees to get back to their jobs quicker. Fun fact: Once IBM changed their training methods over to E Learning they saved 200 million USD, that's enough to buy multiple companies or hire a lot more employees.

A Wealth of Learning Content

Enterprise learning management systems provide access to thousands of ready to use employee training programs. From customer experience training through to industry-specific training. Available in all different styles to cater to various learning methods, you can find captivating and engaging content with the right training tool.

Retaining Knowledge

Recent studies have shown that E learning helps to improve the retention of knowledge. Partly owed to the fact that learning consumed is easily digestible and accessible at a time of the employee's choosing. High rates of knowledge retention make learning much more effective. The last thing you would want is to pay for employee training only to discover that the information has been forgotten soon after.


One of the many powers of using an E Learning platform is access to a live stream of data. You can run customised reports that help define exact areas that might need more help with employee learning. Tracking employee completion of tasks, results of tests, uptake, and so much more is vital to running a successful online training solution. Using and analysing this valuable data allows you to go in and make tweaks where needed easily.


With E Learning, you know that your workforce is getting exactly the training they need. There is no sway in the teaching they receive. Which can be the case in face to face training.


Having the ability to access learning at any time is vital to ensuring that employees have the skills and knowledge they need. Almost 50% of apps downloaded from the Apple app store are learning-related, showing the crucial need for mobile accessibility. E learning used to be just available on the computer but now employees can download content, workbooks, participate in live seminars, refresh their memory with video training from anywhere using their mobile.

Saves time

Having less wasted time is a pivotal part of running a successful enterprise. The quicker and more efficient learning is digested, the sooner employees can get back to their tasks. On average E Learning takes 40-60% less time than its in-class alternative. E learning provides precise and dense content in different formats to users, so there is less wasted time as there would be with conventional in-class training. Likewise, you get all the time savings associated with employees traveling to an event.

Effective Results 

On average E Learning improves employee efficiency by 15-25%. With such a massive jump across your workforce, this can lead to higher profit margins, employee retention and much more. Today's employees want to learn more and continually hone their skills. E Learning gives them constant access to a treasure trove of knowledge leading to employees being more happy, dedicated, and staying with your organisation for longer.

#1 Enterprise E Learning Solution. 

myAko created an E Learning platform specifically for enterprises to be able to control and manage their own learning programs at scale without the headache of building their own custom software. myAko’s proprietary software enables enterprises unlimited flexibility to customise the platform to suit existing training programs and brand guidelines.

Course management couldn’t be easier with an intuitive user interface and authoring tools. Learning administrators can efficiently allocate the correct learning content to teams, set pass rates for tests, add and deactivate learners, grant course certificates and reset tests. The adaptable platform allows you to tailor the solution to exactly what your organisation needs. With easy customisation of branding, domains, colours and logos, you can make the system your own. 

There is no delay in getting the crucial data you need to deliver a successful E Learning structure. Real-time reporting means you have data to analyse with a click of a button, meaning you never miss an opportunity to further upskill your workforce. No E learning system would be complete without mobile accessibility. myAko’s state of the art mobile application gives easy access to all of their learning content, organisational announcements, scheduled face to face training and access to procedures and policies.

You can even publish private or public events, send instructions to join and conduct class administration with an online attendance list. All of your compliance material is kept on the platform, allowing you to send out completion surveys and automate online course and training certificates. Your courses, policies and workbooks can be stored in their built-in cloud-based library, making information instantly accessible. You can also toggle privacy settings within the library to show relevant information to certain people.

Last and most importantly, the learning content available on myAko’s platform is comprehensive and vast. So you don’t even have to write your own course content. The Learning management system boasts access to 2000+ courses covering everything from servicing customer training to compliance tests. All these features and more come for an incredibly competitive price. With the ability to set up or switch from your current provider all being done in as little as 15 minutes.

The myAko team is ready and waiting to tour you through a demonstration of our powerful LMS training tool. Get in touch with one of our friendly team members via this link.

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