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eLearning for Health and Social Care

There is no industry where extensive, concise and consistent training is needed more than in health and social care. In 2020 98% of the workforce participated in e learning to aid their development and knowledge intake.

This article investigates how e Learning in the health and social care industry is implemented , delivery solutions and how E platforms help create effective learning programs. 

What is eLearning For Health and Social Care?

E learning for health and social care refers to  learning online, rather than a physical setting. Elearning t teaches health and social care staff interactively through their phone or laptops. Developed and inspired by in-class training, Elearning can  cover the same subjects but with enhanced functionality, engagement and mobility.

E learning  provides information-rich, precise and easily digestible courses for the sector. Working around employees busy schedules by being accessible anywhere and having condensed learning formats. Unit content Ranges in formats from bitesize courses to care certificates and degrees.

Why Providers Should Use Their Own Learning Management Software? 

Learning management systems or LMS for short are SaaS or software-based solutions for managing, storing, tracking and delivering training and courses. When training providers have customisable education solutions, this can be considerably beneficial to the organisation.

Growing vastly popular due to their ease of use and extensive access to courses, there are many other pivotal benefits of using an LMS system in the health and social care sector.  

Cost Effective

When organising staff training, there are many facets to consider. Hiring health and social care educators can be expensive. On top of the educators wages, venue, travel and time out of work, costs all amount up. Utilising an LMS solution helps organisation mitigate tat cost, gaining access to the same training but through the online realm.

Completing online courses takes on average 40%-60% less time to complete. In addition, further cost savings arise as healthcare professionals can get back to their jobs quicker. For administrators of learning, time is also saved with easy automated delivery tools.

SaaS cloud-based solutions can be very competitively priced. More forward-thinking providers work on a pay for what you use model. In turn, using a LMS system versus the archaic physical training sessions, are e a much more economical choice for the organization.

Interestingly, when IBM switched over to e Learning they saved an eye-watering $200 million.

Accessible Anywhere

Seeing that mobile phones go with us everywhere nowadays, so can  elearning for health and social care. Mobile functionality is provided through applications that create user-friendly, interactive and engaging training sessions. In summary, mobile learning allows education to fit around healthcare professional's busy schedules and differing locations.

Track Data

A stand out advantage of using an LMS solution is that they allow organisations to access a treasure trove of data in the back end. Training providers can identify course completions, test results, time taken to complete and much more. This data helps shape and personalise learning to the team's needs, making sure they have content relevant to them. The LMS system is also a great place to store the organisations intellectual property.


E learning increases knowledge retention rates by 25-60%. The ease of online access  enables quicker course completion and the learning gained has a longer-lasting impact. It’s no secret that healthcare workers like NHS staff are time-poor, therefore fast, consumable chunks of eLearning helps ease time constraints but still ensures users are upskilled.

Most importantly, 85% of learners now say that online learning is more enjoyable than the in-class predecessor. Enjoying the learning leads to higher productivity and course completion rates.


In an industry that is short on time, content is needed that can fit into small time slots. That’s where bitesize learning comes in. Up to 5-minute long high-quality courses are easily digestible and convey condensed and precise knowledge. This format leads to improved engagement and retention.

Ready-made Healthcare Courses

When a provider logs on to a E Learning platform, they will find ready made Healthcare LMS courses in abundance with a wealth of content to explore. Courses are formulated to be information-dense, concise, and engaging. Ready-made courses provide easy access to learning tools and content. Online course content can be delivered in the below modes :

Interactive Videos 

Health and social care educational units come in different lengths and formats. Videos also provides interactive elements with users having to answer questions, take tests, play games and more.

Interactive videos are The most popular form of e Learning as it is easily digestible and time effective with concise information being conveyed. Video length is extensive as providers can upload video content lasting only few minutes up to hour-long sessions.


Hailing from the traditional in-class setting, online workbooks provide learners with more than just text to read. They have interactive elements, or video excerpts within and are typically highly visual to keep the learner engaged.


Pre-recorded engaging seminars can be delivered through LMS solutions. Generally, a teacher or subject expert conveys knowledge in a longer format. This can include slideshows, videos, diagrams and more.

E-learner Authoring

Delivery of content is made easy with intuitive authoring tools featured on LMS systems. Instead of manually allocating training you can deliver content to teams or individuals with the click of a button. For example, new employee learning packs can also be created and sent out automatically.

Intuitive authoring tools allows providers  to send bulk compliance training, refresher courses and new learning, which is needed regularly in the health and social care sector. 

Mandatory Training & Personal Development Planning 

LMS solutions provide not only the training, but the ability for users to plan and track future goals and training courses. This data can be accessed by both the provider and the learner. Organisation leaders can then be aware of staff productivity and where support may be needed.

Mandatory Training

Due to new research and continual updates, the health and social care industry has extensive training needs, a lot of which are mandatory. By using intuitive authoring, you can ensure that mandatory training is delivered on time. Most notably, providers can access data stored in the back end of the solution to show course completions and passes.

Personal Development Planning

Personal development planning is made easy with LMS solutions. Intuitive and customisable learning pathways allow employees to see their future training and timelines. Depending on employees results or level of engagement, education providers can utilize the data, and can foresee what personal development training is needed in the future.

In addition, administrators  can use events management tools to conduct face to face personal development reviews and then allocate the relevant training needed. A hybrid model where you have a mixture of in-class and online learning has also been proven effective.

Compliance Management 

To remain compliant within the health and social care sector, organisations must adhere to stringent training regimes. Training will be conducted frequently, and both public and private organizations need an audit trail to show completions.

LMS solutions double up by providing easy to store and accessible audit trails, and course content, stored locally on the solution. When using automation, education providers can schedule compliance training, bulk send out training reminders, survey employees after completion and much more. Therefore exporting data to the audit provider is efficient and stress free.

Why myAko Is The Best Choice for Health and Social Care Providers

myAko is the premier LMS solution for health and social care providers. The powerful SaaS online-based solution provides a rich and engaging learning experience for users with extensive back end capabilities for training educators.

With a plethora of bitesize courses, it fits perfectly into an industry that lacks time. Courses are completed through desktop or the state of the art, user friendly mobile app. With 2000+ elearning programmes available, you can make sure you have every angle covered.

Training providers can have ease of mind as, compliance is made easy with their extensive real-time reporting stored centrally. Lastly, Intuitive authoring tools means organizationscan deliver learning to the right place fast, and automation features allow for mandatory training to be scheduled.

Providing everything that that’s been revealled n this article you may  have thought myAko would be expensive? However, this is in fact not the case. The solution is very accessible for any size business due to its ‘pay for what you use’ payment structure.

Get in touch with the myAko team here to get hands on with the powerful health and social care LMS.

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